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Thrive Under 5 Project

Thrive Under 5 Project

Our Thrive Under 5 Project has been a successful partnership between Money Matters, the NHS and the Food Pantries.  This project got its name Thrive Under 5 as it was about adopting a whole system, community food nurturing programme with families of pre-school children.  It combines action on food insecurity, healthy eating and physical activity in three Glasgow neighbourhoods. The selected neighbourhoods for the project are: Ruchazie, Garthamlock and Cranhill (Northeast); Drumchapel (Northwest); - Priesthill, Househillwood, Nitshill and Pollok (South).  The project recognises that in order for children and their families to eat healthily and maintain a healthy weight, there are barriers in place, preventing them from doing so.  These barriers include low family income, poor access to affordable fresh foods and the knowledge/information to cook using fresh ingredients. During 2022-23 we received 116 referrals from Health Visitors etc.  53 families benefited from 424 family meals.  55 families had their Pantry memberships paid resulting in 660 vouchers being issued.  65 families received fuel top-up vouchers at £49 in value per voucher and 44 received a £20 voucher to enable them to purchase cooking equipment items etc.  Families were better off from previously unclaimed benefits by over £200k in financial gains.


If you wish a referral into our Thrive Under Five Service, please ask your Health Visitor to make a referral to us and we will contact you to arrange an appointment.